Natural Skin Care Tips to Reduce Under Eye Circles

When you are trying to look your best, those under eye circles can really ruin your day. Most of the time they are just a sign that you are tired, stressed out and didn’t get a good night sleep. Sometimes they could be a sign of more serious problems like allergies or food sensitivities so make sure you look into that. For all the other reasons natural skin care tips to reduce under eye circles should help. Keep reading to find the best remedy for your problems.

Under eye circles can be unsightly. Many people have them and are looking for home remedies to reduce their appearance. These circles appear because the skin beneath the eyes is very thin making the tiny blood vessels underneath visible. Health problems might increase the visibly of these circles. Liver problems, anemia and allergies could all make these natural circles more apparent. Not getting enough sleep will also contribute to dark circles.

Tea Bags

The antioxidants in tea bags are good for the skin and can reduce the appearance of dark circles. Additionally the caffeine in the tea can help reduce puffiness under the eyes. Steep tea bags in freshly boiled water for 5 minutes. Squeeze the tea bag out and let cool. Then place them on your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. Use black, green or white tea for this home remedy.

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Cut slices of cucumbers and lay them on your eyes for 5 to 10 minutes.

Vitamin E Oil

Put vitamin E oil on the skin beneath your eyes once daily. It’s best to use all natural vitamin E oil. The synthetic vitamin E found in vitamin capsule isn’t as effective.

Another good way to reduce the puffiness of the under eye circles is to rinse your face with cold water in the morning. You can also keep 2 teaspoons in the freezer and place them under your eyes for a couple of minutes in the morning to help reduce the puffiness. When it comes to diet, it is very helpful to eliminate or reduce the salt in your diet. That will get rid of extra water that might be stored in your tissues that can cause the puffy look of your face.

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