Home Remedies to Improve Acne Problems

Not everyone is blessed with a perfect skin but even if you are experiencing some skin problems, it is possible to maintain a healthy skin and avoid acne with some natural skin care tips and a few lifestyle changes.  Acne can be unsightly whether it is found on your back or other parts of the body, but it is especially embarrassing when it is found on your face. The whiteheads and blackheads on your skin today can become infected and develop into full blown acne.

There are many folk tales about how you can develop acne skin problems and what to do to get rid of them. If you are like most people, then you are probably looking for some sort of magic solution that will make your acne go away immediately. However, your problem will not go away even if you buy all the anti-acne creams and ointments in the market unless you eliminate the causes of acne. Your best bet for a healthy skin is the natural acne remedies that are found right in your kitchen or in your pantry.

Natural acne remedies are a lot more affordable than the over-the-counter treatments, but you will have to complement its use with a change in your lifestyle to make them more effective. What is great about these remedies is that they are natural and they can be simply applied to your skin.

Check out some of these natural skin care tips for acne:


Cucumber is an astringent that can help you get rid of your acne skin problems. Cucumber juice is not only refreshing, but it is also an effective home remedy for acne. You probably have cucumbers in your refrigerator right now so you can try its potency even without going out of the house. In addition to adding cucumbers to your salad, why not grate some and apply it all over your face for about 10 minutes? Aside from preventing whiteheads, blackheads and pimples, a home-made cucumber mask will help moisturize your skin. And if you have the tendency to always prick your pimples, then a cucumber mask can also help soothe breakouts that have become inflamed. To make it more effective and easy to apply, add lime to the cucumber and use a blender to create a cucumber paste. Use this regularly if you want to lighten your facial scars and blemishes. For the extra antibacterial effect add a teaspoon of honey before blending. It will leave your skin soft and smooth. Read more about using honey in skin care below.


The anti-bacterial properties of honey make it an effective home remedy for acne. However, not all honey is created equal. Some have lost their anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties due to processing. The best natural acne remedies are made using unprocessed, unpasteurized and natural honey without chemicals and other contamination. It would be great if you can find the Manuka honey as it has more anti-bacterial properties defined as UMF, which is a standard measurement of honey’s anti-bacterial properties.  To use honey as a face mask, simply rub it gently on your face and leave it on for at least 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with water.

Lemon Peel Wash

The Lemon Peel Wash is one of the most natural skin care remedies for acne, as it can be prepared anytime provided you have the basic ingredients such as lemon peel, cloves, honey and water. Grate or shred the lemon peel and combine with a cup of water, along with a teaspoon of honey and a few cloves. Shake well, strain and use this as a facial wash.  The lemon peel’s acid content will not only reduce excess oil and dead cells on the skin, but it will also lighten the skin.

These natural skin care tips for acne are not only very affordable, but they can also be easily made fresh at home. To make these acne remedies more effective, make sure you also make some adjustments in your lifestyle especially when it comes to eating the right foods that will help you prevent acne. For starters, it is critical to avoid sugar and starches that are easily converted to sugar like bread, pasta, cakes and cookies as they will aggravate this condition. Another common cause of acne problems, especially in teenagers, is consuming large amounts of dairy products. They are full of hormones that will only aggravate hormonal changes already associated with puberty.

 Try these suggestions to see if they help you improve your acne skin problems.

You may also be interested in our other posts on the subject of acne:

Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne Problems

Natural Skin Care Using Honey

Prevent Acne and Wrinkles

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