Skin ProblemsTag Archives

The Root Cause of Acne Your Doctor Will Never Tell You About…

Here is an excellent article from Dr. Mercola that addresses the issue of acne, it’s causes and treatments. Dr. Mercola has a totally natural approach to acne and is against the toxic drugs and antibiotics. In order to eliminate acne you need to remove the causes of it and not just treat the symptoms. A healthy diet, free of processed foods and especially sugar is the best approach to treating acne naturally. Also making sure that you get enough Vitamin D through a moderate sun exposure or supplements if necessary, is the best way to get rid of this skin problem.

It’s also advisable to exfoliate your skin once or twice per week. But do so gently, especially if you are experiencing an outbreak, and never pull or rub your skin aggressively. You should use pure, safe, natural skin care products—preferably organic

The right kind of exercise, as described in the article, is needed to reduce stress and support a healthy skin.

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Best Alternative Eczema Treatments

Eczema can be a very devastating condition to treat especially in small children. If you are health conscious and prefer to stay away from the prescription medication, there are some natural alternatives you can try. Read on learn different natural eczema remedies.ᅠ

Stronger products are available to fight the eczema itch but require a doctor’s prescription. There are also many natural remedies which can be made right

The best eczema prevention is a natural diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. If you would like to prevent eczema from affecting your baby than the best diet is breastfeeding exclusively for at least 6 months. It is very important for the mom to eat a healthy, natural diet too during that time.

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Types of Eczema Explained!

Against the popular belief there are several different types of eczema, depending on the age of the person and causes or triggers of the problem. Here is an article explaining the types of eczema and the causes of it.

Most people think of atopic dermatitis as the only type of eczema that people can suffer with. This is the standard stereotypical Eczema we all know of.

In any case improving your diet by eliminating processed foods and adding fresh fruits and vegetables will improve many skin problems.

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Advice On Natural Wart Remedies

Warts can be quite embarrassing, but also painful to deal with. Keep in mind that warts are contagious so try not to scratch them. Keep reading to find out what is recommended to naturally treat warts.

How do you take a wart off with duct tape?NaturalCure for Wart There are many natural cures for removing wart. The best option is to use the duct tape.

Due to its anti viral abilities garlic is also a great remedy for warts. Just cut a fresh slice of garlic every day and apply it to the wart. ᅠAffix with some tape and leave overnight. Discard the next day. Repeat until the warts are gone.

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The ancient almond remedy

Eczema and psoriasis are 2 skin conditions that are pretty difficult to treat. There are different medications that your doctor will prescribe, but they are not only expensive, but also full of toxic chemicals that could irritate your skin. There is a natural remedy that might be just as effective, but much less toxic.ᅠ

Almond oil, or oleum amygdalae, has been used in ancient Chinese, Ayurvedic and Greco-Persian schools of medicine to treat dry skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. But it seems modern science has also found benefits.

Try almond oil for a variety of skin problems including eczema and psoriasis.

Daily Mail

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Eat Whole Foods And Eliminate Acne With Natural Acne Treatments

If you are experiencing acne it’s a sign of high toxicity in your body. Usually it’s your liver that is overloaded and that’s when the extra toxins are being excreted through the skin. During teenage years hormonal imbalances make the matter even worse. So the most important aspect of treating acne is to help the body get rid of toxins by eliminating all processed foods, sugar and hydrogenated oils. Read on to learn a few other suggestions to improve your skin problems.ᅠ

You will find doctors who would prescribe you with medicines and there are also who would recommend natural acne treatment simply because it is affordable

Eating a whole food diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts and seeds, is the best way to eliminate acne problems the natural way.

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Green Fingers Could Mean Problems For Gardeners

Whether you’re a professional gardener or just an amateur, it is always very important to protect your hands from the elements. Soil can be drying out your skin and certain plants can cause skin irritations. It is very important to wear gloves all the time when you are working in the garden. Also remember to wash your hands with a gentle soap when you are done and apply a natural moisturizer.

The research revealed skin problems were so serious in 67% of gardeners, they had sought professional medical treatment, with more than one in ten (16%) being forced to stop gardening because their condition was chronic. Only 31% of those questioned

Organic coconut oil can be a great moisturizer for your skin.

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Natural Acne Remedies – How To Break The Acne Equation

Do you ever wonder why some people always get acne no matter what they do and others can get away with eating junk food, smoking and drinking and still manage to avoid acne problems? There are basically 3 factors that are needed for acne to occur: hormonal imbalances which are especially common in teens, toxic build up usually from the food we eat and genetic tendencies. If you eliminate the first two, the third problem will not get a chance to express itself. This is also true for other genetic predispositions. Just because certain problems or diseases run in your family doesn’t mean that they will affect you too. With a healthy diet, exercise, plenty of sleep and relaxation you can prevent certain genetic trades from expressing themselves. And that’s a very good news.

Natural Acne Cure – How To Break The Acne Equation In today’s Western world, many doctors view acne as an external illness and numerous acne treatments are.

So try some natural remedies, relax and keep smiling. It will help clear up your acne too 🙂

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