Dry Conditions Cause Skin Problems For Diabetics

Extreme weather conditions are causing dry skin problems for diabetics in different parts of the country. Dry and cracked skin that leads to bleeding, can be a serious problem which may cause infections. But the issue doesn’t just start on the skin and moisturizing alone is not going to solve this problem. Read on to see what the doctor in Texas recommends.

Texas- The extreme dry conditions are causing big problems for diabetics. Local physicians are seeing an increase in patients with skin issues. Dry and cracked skin is a common problem, especially with these dry conditions that we’ve had across the

Keep in mind that dry skin can have many causes and supplying your body with the right nutrients will have the most beneficial effect. ᅠAgainst the common beliefs, a low fat diet is the culprit of many skin problems. ᅠMost people are now deficient in essential fatty acids like Omega 3 or DHA. To improve your skin condition add good sources of those fats to your diet. ᅠAny raw nuts, seeds and avocados are great choices, but you can also include free range, vegeterian eggs and wild fish.

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