What to Do When Our Hair Gets a Bit Thin

Hair loss can be a problem for both men and women. There are several causes including poor diet, lack of sleep and stress. Keep reading to find some tips to help improve your hair and keep it healthy.

Others can be used to stimulate thicker hair growth. Intensive treatmentcan take from two to six months, depending on the severity of the problem. Nicolas chose to seek help at a Kerastase salon, using their new line of hair loss treatments.

Improving your diet by adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables will definitely help thinning hair problem, but including more minerals will make a significant difference. The easiest and tastiest way to provide your body with more minerals is to include some seaweed in your diet. Sprinkle some kelp or dulse flakes on your salad or add arame seaweed to your soup. Experiment with different kinds to see which ones you like best.

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